Saturday, May 11, 2013

clapham junction, its a jungle out there ...

it must be two years since they were burned out in the riots

now party superstores are really up and running

they even found some more "retro" dummies for the window display

you couldn't move at their shop this morning

it was full of australians getting in to costume for the rugby sevens

and there were too many antipodeans on the platforms to fit into the trains

Thursday, May 9, 2013

jerome trilles has left the planet ... i've known him since i was seven ... there's hardly anyone left with whom i can disagree passionately

no wonder the weather's turned nasty ...

... his departure has created a vortex

i'd better start suggesting some music for the wake ...

Monday, April 22, 2013

don't get me started ...

not long ago, i walked in to malmesbury's athelstan museum and "discovered" a new acquisition bequeathed by richard hatchwell

not the house where i was born, but my earliest memories were formed whilst living in the little cottage, second door on the right

it wasn't even a two-up-two-down, more like one-and-a-half-up-one-and-a-half-down, with an outside loo and the tin bath hanging on a nail in the yard

when i "chanced" on this drawing, my heart almost stopped

it was made seven years before my parents moved in, and the view is just as i first recalled it, though mine was from a lower viewpoint

in the days when most people didn't own a car and traffic was unusual, infant ears delighted in the double echoes of footsteps crossing the square, horses' hooves on their way to the vet's. the rattle of milk bottles in steel crates, the chatter of sparrows, the laughter of children, quiet adult voices in the still air outside the bath arms, etc

we moved out in 1954

my father borrowed a handcart from the nearby undertaker and moved our possessions in half a day