Monday, August 6, 2012


In the middle of the night, the humidity relieved by a cooling breeze, a girl in the flimsiest of summer dresses gets off the bus at the same stop and asks if she can use my phone because hers is dead and she has mislaid her boyfriend.  Sweet voiced.  Sweetly perfumed.  She stands too close to me.  Is it my imagination or can I feel the heat rising from her body against my cheek ?  She also gives off  that other scent ... of one who will never know when to stop drinking.

Coming homewards in the afternoon, a very black skinned woman is sitting in the seat across the aisle from mine.  She is tall and muscular and has the up-turned-est nose you ever saw.  She sits erect, head back so that the prominent cheekbone extends in a long horizontal line from the middle of the ear to just below the eye and  you can see her face's every sinew moving beneath the skin. She is knitting, with ferocioius dedication.  Extremely long slender fingers drawing thin scarlet wool from a carrier bag in her lap and row after row of tiny identical stitches forming with unflinching certainty.  My mother used to knit, freestyle, artistically, and so I watch, fascinated now, with both pleasure and pain.

Wearily, I open the door of our empty flat and discover a fat envelope from Spain, addressed in a lively script to Señor Tristan Forward, and I am rejuvenated.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

there was no evidence of human sacrifice when i approached the sacriligious artefact ...

... there was a slight delay ... they had to deflate it after vainly trying to re-join the two halves ... and then there was happiness all around ... and there's a nice new cafe in the newly landscaped park, too ...

going underground ...

... on my way from clapham common to burgess park

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

you might say i was fond of music ...


Wages are credited to my empty account.

I turn off the engine in the dairy farm yard and sit quietly watching the resident swallows flying around only six inches above the concrete.

I stop the truck and switch off the engine once more in a narrow country lane as seven schoolgirls squeeze by on their nervous ponies, and I try not to smirk as I recall those Thelwell cartoons.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Thursday, July 26, 2012

no more lon chaney nights !

... that nice doctor frankenstein up at the castle says the package-deal lobotomy with free personality transplant should come in to effect well before the next full moon