Thursday, February 9, 2012

3BT on a bright snowy morning

Glimpsed in the front seats of an approaching car, two people are wagging the forefingers of their left hands and are shaking their heads from side to side in perfect synchrony, as if in some kind of dance.  Each is laughing.  Each has bright eyes and perfect teeth.

I disturb a rabbit who has been concealed beneath a bramble patch when I approach the gate of a field still carpeted with snow.  He dashes away, white tail flashing and back feet sending up cloudy spurts of snow that glitter in the morning sunshine.

On the very top of a solitary sunlit tree, high above the snow filled valley of the River Uck, between Hadlow Down and Buxted, a single magpie and a huge old buzzard ( who is three times as large ) are sitting only four feet apart, silent in unruffled repose.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

i haven't seen my brother greg since his last birthday, about a year ago ...

but oh !, these cards of richard bawden's lino prints are far too pretty to part with ...

... so he'll have to make do with michael sowa's leaping pig ... when i can re-discover his current address

... i guess i must have bought a dozen of these over the years, so he'll be joining a sub-group of distinguished recipients, all of whom are held in deepest affection

the lads seem to be having trouble with a simple analogy for wegener's theory

stop press: insomniac gets over-excited by snow, but not so excited he'd want to go out in it ...

Sunday, January 22, 2012

do you think the internet is harming my eyesight ?

... once, in a hotel room in barcelona, we were channel hopping and found the addams family, mind-bogglingly dubbed in to italian but sub-titled in spanish ... subsequently the loved one found me a DVD set ... from here on gomez will be my role-model

an insomniac contemplating his lectern