Tuesday, April 23, 2024

wimmin in white ... part xix ...

 the series that carries on ... and on ...

... to be continued ... see part XX ... dated 25/09/2024 ...

Sunday, April 21, 2024

bluestones and modes of haulage ...


a series of ifs ... if stonehenge stood at a crossroads of neolithic and bronze age trade routes ... if there were already large scale seasonal movements of tribes and their herds ... if there was a traditional annual migration of welsh people and their herds to and from stonehenge, maybe twice a year ... if oxen had already been domesticated and could be traded ... if the winter and summer solstices were the time for gatherings and trading and feasting in the area of stonehenge ... then there are plenty of compelling reasons why the people from west wales might have hauled a few bluestones to stonehenge every year, twice a year, using their oxen ... party on ! ... just sayin'

albert hoffman ... through the prism of time and human ingenuity ...

MY TEXT superimposed on a famous image shamelessly derived from alex grey's lovely portrait

and from XXXX??????'s clever lash-up BICYCLE DAY blotting-paper / tab-card design