Wednesday, March 30, 2011

genius ... sheila brings back to life the last summer's bounty

up near the ceiling in a friend's spare room ... a left-over from the days when i used to mess about with paints

the painter roy hewish giving fats waller his undivided attention

monday morning at the rialto fish markets

apropos de nuffinque in venice

stuff and nonsense in venice

nothing better to do ? i'd better just tiptoe by quietly

a notorious workaholic is compelled to relax

Blimey ! The Chiesa dei Gesuiti .. Santa Maria Assunta

the inside looks like blue and white china but is really blue-ish marble inlaid on white

brodsky's garden wall

at the cemetery ... diaghelev and stravinsky

you won't see many pigeons and seagulls in canaletto's paintings ... why ?

nor any drop to drink

a few choice knockers