sometimes it takes ages ( six or seven years ! ) for small visual memories to condense among my vapid reveries and then trickle down as proto-thoughts ... and then it takes another age to articulate them
i'd been looking at a favourite picture ( found on a NASA website ) of racetrack playa by night and was wondering exactly where it is
annoyingly, i discovered that we had once passed within a few miles
and once upon that time, on the high desert pass between the panamint valley and the owens valley, miles from anywhere, i had been startled to see a yellow school bus bumping along a dusty side road amongst the last straggly joshua trees
today i looked at google earth because i am always curious about the improbable places where people might choose to live, especially so far from the comforts of urban life ...
... and i found that dusty road again, and discovered it leads to Darwin, CA ... and thereabouts must dwell the designer of this jolly little website