Sunday, May 5, 2024

feminine mysteries ... from the voynich manuscript to helen chadwick ...

my friend laura sent a link to a recent article about the enigmatic voynich manuscript

I then mentioned the tarot ... here is a link that will take you TOWARDS a Tarot scrapbook I compiled in my blog dated 6th November 2022 …

Looking through my archives, I thought the late and deeply lamented Helen Chadwick’s EGO GEOMETRIA SUM might amuse Laura.


Helen Chadwick was a hyper-active maker and shaper of things, she was studious, she loved to make extravagant experiments, and she was addicted to self-portraiture mixed with laughter.

here, Helen found ways of imposing photographs onto ten sculptures ...

She then moved on to produce the set of works named THE OVAL COURT


You will need to check out the large set of forty five V&A images … clicketty-click to access the complete set

my favourite helen chadwick self-portrait is this one ... from the V&A's collection ...

Saturday, May 4, 2024

seraphim ... one of those words that cropped up in church but i never questioned it and it was never explained ... so i just had to look it up after seeng this beautiful blue ?Russian? image yesterday ...


... this is a scrapbook ... to be continued ...

Forgotten Lives ... the Chartist Thomas Cooper

Whilst doing a little study of Staffordshire Pottery figures a couple of years ago, I set aside the image of this double handled mug because of its "cultural improbability" ... i mean that it didn't fit in with my conceptual understanding of the place of suicide in public discourse ...

i didn't realize that thomas cooper was a famous CHARTIST ...

i doubt he was a likeable man which is probably why he is largely forgotten ...

A boring poet, a worse novelist, holder of contradictory and dogmatic beliefs. Difficult to like. Easy to antagonize.

And yet the working classes of the Potteries gave him this in gratitude for changing their lives and expectations.

here are some references

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

wimmin in white ... part xix ...

 the series that carries on ... and on ...

... to be continued ...